Direct Payments
Your Gateway to Care
What are direct payments?
Once your needs have been identified through the person-led assessment you can choose to have any or your entire personal budget as a direct payment. This means you can take a sum of money with which to arrange your own support, rather than Adult Services doing it on your behalf.
Will it affect my benefits?
No. A direct payment is not a Social Security benefit and will not affect your entitlement to any means tested benefits you receive, such as Housing Benefit or Income Support.
What can I use a direct payment for?
A direct payment can only be used to buy the goods or services you need to achieve the outcomes identified in your assessment. This could include short breaks, help with personal care and getting around as well as social and leisure support. You can’t use a direct payment to pay for permanent or respite residential care or to pay for anything that does not meet your assessed needs.
What are the advantages?
A direct payment can give you more control over the support you receive. It must be spent to provide the support you have been assessed as needing, but you can choose who you employ to provide your care. This gives you the option to arrange services at the times that suit you, and with people you feel comfortable with.
Will I receive any help?
Yes. Your assessor will explain what is involved and give you the information you need to decide whether you would like to use a direct payment.
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