Dignity & Respect
Where Care Really Counts
Care Counts is committed to encouraging an atmosphere of dignity and respect whenever care is provided.
Training is provided for staff in confidentiality, person centred care, equality, and communication to ensure that each client’s needs, safety, and privacy are met. All staff must be introduced before they attend a call to fulfill care tasks, so no one has a stranger coming to their home. Independence for each client is encouraged, and all care is carried out sensitively. Each individual’s culture and diversity is respected. All records are filled in and stored adhering to date protection law.
We adhere to the Dignity in Care ten-point dignity challenge and all senior staff are dignity champions. www.dignityincare.org.uk www.skillsforcare.org.uk
We encourage and open communication with clients so that all decision-making and concerns can be addressed and any changes that need making to a client’s care package are carried out promptly and professionally.
An atmosphere of relaxed friendliness and tolerance, with mutual respect, between client and care worker is, in our opinion, the best way to deliver and receive any help that clients need.