Electronic Call Monitoring (ECM)
Communication Counts
Care Counts launched an Electronic Call Monitoring (ECM) solution using Near Field Communications (NFC)-enabled mobile phones in September 2013. The ECM enables Care Counts to monitor their care workers’ visits to service users’ homes via provided mobile phones, improving service delivery and providing both data security and lone worker safety.
The ECM system gives each care worker a live rota on their mobile handsets and real-time task lists and service user data to care workers. It also allows the managers to see, instantly, if a care worker is running late for an appointment. We are then able to inform service users and their families to prevent unnecessary worry

Using the solution, it records the actual time they arrive and leave a service user’s home by touching their NFC-enabled mobile phones against an RFID tag fitted within the home. Care Counts also delivers an optional lone worker safety pack which provides GPS tracking, an emergency alarm and safety zone checking.ECM on mobile phones (which uses a Roadrunner system), complements Care Counts Carefree Rostering system. The data that is collected from Roadrunner and is fed back to Carefree Roster system in real time, giving managers a holistic view of electronic time sheets so that they know exactly when staff arrive and depart from their shifts.
Local councils in the UK are now starting to insist that electronic call monitoring is used to monitor the provision of care being delivered to home care and domiciliary service users, from care providers.
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